Three Hondas Are Here! [And a Contest!]

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Our first blog contest includes our tee PLUS a random crummy souvenir collected on our way to the starting point. We’ll let you calculate the moment I dip my Nate Wagner motocross boots into the Atlantic and we head west. Just write the date and hour in Eastern Time to the nearest minute in the comment box below. We will accept entries posted on or before Sunday, June 4 AoE time. I’m guessing we’ll leave Charlotte towards the Atlantic on Sunday. Intended start point: Cape Hatteras, NC. We’ll use your latest entry.

Figure it out.

Win a matching tee!

In the last post, we wondered, “Where in America are 3 Trans-America Trail Hondas?”
Well, I had a clue: a trucking outfit named STI had them.That’s all I knew. I called one — a large trucking company out of South Carolina — and explained all about the bikes. (Read aloud for virtual reality effect)>> “Yayess? Oh, sow-rih sir, We down’t she-ip mow-ter sickles. Thy-ers a buncha truckin plices we-ith those sigh-em i-nee-shuls.“

There were about 5 different STI’s…

With Paul’s quick Googling aid, the 2nd company knew of our shipment!
They gave me a tracking number!
The driver was in the delivery state of North Carolina!
I felt like Columbo (who’s Columbo, mommy?) on the verge of something!
STI#2 forwarded my call to the driver!
I left a message on his phone!

…But I didn’t need to.
…11 minutes later the very helpful Rob W. texted from Team Charlotte Motorsports, the largest (500 bikes) motorcycle dealership in the south!
The Hondas were an hour away from his store!
The remainder of this post will contain only 1 more exclamation mark.

We will need to spend a day loading equipment and wiring all 3 bikes for 12 volt charging inputs with USB plugs to charge Sena helmet communicators, helmet cams, a Garmin GPS, and phones. The tech setup in 2017 is unlike the setup for riding the Alaska highway in 1980 when I had one phono plug for an electric vest. And that was kind of advanced. The rest of the time I just talked to myself and sent postcards home. Caleb has done a splendid job setting up and wiring our helmets. Paul has done great coding to build this blog (check out the new email subscription feature in the sidebar). Cory is doing a fine job keeping stuff in order at home.

We love Paul and Carol — my bro & wife — who left us in their house 10:30 this morning as they head out to instruct a missionary orientation conference in Pennsylvania and visit a new granddaughter in Minnesota. What super accommodating hosts! Southern hospitality and God’s grace all in one.

“Finally, brothers, good-by! Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss.” 2Cor13:11-12

Author Dave Bramsen


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