How’s it Feel; Riding Every Day, Camping in the Dirt?

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Not everyone hates my socks.

There’s been a solo ride to Alaska, hiking the JMT with no shower for 19 days, crossing the Sahara in extreme heat. And I think this is the stinkiest we’ve been.

Use this formula to make yourself physically unappealing:
>Go somewhere that’s 96F all day. And humid.
>Place a heavy bucket over your head (it can have eyeholes).
>Wear a 5 lb. black jacket and long thick pants. Your shirt remains fully moistened with sweat.
>Wear heavy calf-high boots with long socks. Walk in streams so the water oozes in and soaks your socks.
>Allow marination of bodily extrusions by leaving garments on for 12 hours. Wear gloves too.
>Ignore the sensation of perma-heat.
>Ride through clouds of dust for a few hours. [Humming down an Oklahoma red dirt road this Wednesday afternoon at 46 mph, I hit a wet mud patch. I heard much yelping through the intercom from Caleb behind me. He’d received a generous mud spatter treatment.] So do that too.

Staying dusty together.

I’ve never experienced helmet B.O. but I’m thinking it’s within the realm. In our Alva, Oklahoma McDonald’s blogging office last night, I was keenly aware each time PR would remove his shoes under the table. Without looking. My 2 pairs of riding socks are worn alternate days. They don’t improve despite the alternation process. There is something freeing about letting scum pile on and not getting too tense about it.

Socks don’t need feet to stand up.

Any riding pains? My hands get numb on rides. That now becomes a painful burning ache after a few hours. But shake it out and ride on. It’s good. (Maybe carpal tunnel surgery is in my future like Bret F. and my wife did to good effect.) Praise God for all the good health that has been ours! After 10 hours on a narrow saddle, a stabbing sensation develops below the neck AND, more so: the burning butt ache. Oh the aching butt. Stand and ride. That helps. If your helmet is slightly snug at the speakers, your ears will throb with pain. Fixed that.

I asked the boys what pain they experience. Maki says: “Butts. Mostly butts. And my upper left back can hurt a lot. For some reason.” Paul: “My shoulders.”

The color of our gear has changed to light gray.

We’re having a great time. Generating memories. Team problem resolution. The boys ride faster than the dad. Safety is key; we coach each other as we ride. Be accepting of different styles. The dad wants to stop and look at anything interesting. That can aggravate those who just want to go. This is all good as we adapt. Lesson revealed in next post: “Fried Pie, Humble Pie.”

Our verse for this week:
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: To visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” Jam1:27

WILDLIFE CORNER > Armadillos run throughout the South

Author Dave Bramsen

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